Google Easter Egg: Do A Barrel Roll

In computing, an Easter Egg is a hidden trick that an application or web site can do. There are a lot of famous easter eggs buried in various programs, and Google is no exception.

If you have a reasonably modern web browser, search Google for do a barrel roll. The Google screen itself should rotate through 360 degrees in imitation of a barrel roll. Here are some example screenshots of the rotation:

do a barrel roll
Part of the barrel roll.
Part of the barrel roll.
The barrel roll almost completed.
The barrel roll almost completed.

If you want to see the barrel roll recorded on video, try this YouTube video: .

The do a barrel roll phrase was popularized by 4chan, but originated from Star Fox 64, where a major character repeats that phrase to encourage dodging from enemy fire. See Know Your Meme for an explanation or this YouTube video for gameplay footage: .