An article in Search Engine Land comments that Google Search is currently suffering a de-indexing problem: in other words, some web pages are not appearing in Google search. Read the article here: .
Google Maps Help Screen
Gmail Turns 15 Screen
Gmail has been celebrating its 15th birthday by changing the login screen and its usual icon. Here is the new login screen:

And here is the new Gmail icon used in the upper left hand corner of the web app:

Bloomberg Global News On YouTube
I love YouTube live streaming for all the interesting information it has. Recently I’ve been watching the Bloomberg Global News channel, located at . They keep up a constant stream of business news and information about the economy.
It’s definitely a channel to bookmark if you’re interested in business, or just want some background talk while coding.

Inbox Is Gone…
Google shut down Inbox this month, which is disappointing because I LOVED the app. It was a fast way to categorize and mark-as-read huge quantities of email.
For posterity, here is the Inbox iOS app icon and the screen that pops up when you attempt to use the app after the shutdown date:

Turning A Date Into A Folder Path – Node
This short code segment turns today’s date into a folder path. For example, today’s date of April 2, 2019 would be turned into 2019/04/02. I use it for categorizing date related documents into appropriate folders within GCS.
var datestamp_obj = new Date( (new Date()).getTime() + (-6) * 3600 * 1000 );
var datestamp_slash = datestamp_obj.getFullYear() + "/";
datestamp_slash += datestamp_obj.getMonth().toString().padStart(2, "0") + "/" + datestamp_obj.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");
Google Blog: 15 Year Anniversary Of Gmail

Today Google made a blog post celebrating the 15th year anniversary of Gmail: .
When Gmail was first introduced, it was truly revolutionary. Most other email providers offered a handful of MB of total storage. Webmail interfaces were slow, crowded with ads, and were a mess to use. When Gmail was announced, many thought it was an April Fools joke: who would offer 1 GB of storage when that was 2 magnitudes above what most providers offered?
I think what surprises me the most about Gmail is how completely it has won the email market for the past 15 years. An email service is relatively straightforward to implement: the protocols are all open, there’s open source software that can scale reliably; and yet Gmail is the undisputed king of email. Even many corporations use Gmail through G Suite.
Now that Gmail has essentially won the email market, it looks like it is slowly pivoting to become an application delivery platform in itself. Just like how the web pivoted from delivering simple HTML pages to full Single Page Applications (SPA): games, word processors, custom applications – Gmail is doing the same thing. If you look at the original blog post, Google is introducing many new actions with email: reply to a comment post, browsing hotel recommendations, and generally interact with other web sites and services. Gmail will slowly turn into a one-stop shop for all your messaging needs – it’s not too hard to imagine Gmail being able to add items to your todo list, to create posts to be sent to your blog to post, to send texts to friends, etc.
Here’s to another 15 years of Gmail transforming our lives. Thanks for everything.
Adding Reviews For Restaurants
If you’re an opinionated person, you probably have a lot to say about each restaurant or business you visit.
Suppose I had something to say about Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria, a pizzeria in Orlando, Florida. I would first post to the two major review sites, TripAdvisor and Yelp. For reference, here is the restaurant’s home page: . Here is the associated TripAdvisor page and the Yelp page.
If you’re still not done sharing your opinion, the Google Local reviews page could also use your opinion! First, google the name of the restaurant and its rough address (you don’t want to get the wrong restaurant!):
Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria Orlando Florida

In the knowledge pane on the right hand side, you should see an option to post a Google review (see the green arrow I added). You can click the link to open up a new panel of reviews for the restaurant, and add your own as well (see my green arrow in the picture below):

You can also try looking around for other specialty review websites. For example, if I google for Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria reviews, I get the following:
Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria reviews

The third site on the list, AllEars.Net, is a specialty review site focusing on Disney properties. And it allows you to submit reviews (see my green arrow, screenshot below):

So there you have it – 4 separate places to post a review for just one restaurant: Google Local, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and AllEars. If you like to write and have an opinion, that’s plenty of spots to share your thoughts!
As a personal note: I’ve been to this restaurant and it’s great! 5 stars out of 5. I recommend the large pepperoni pizza!
Tweepy Code Sample: Auth & Iterating Through Following Users
Here’s a short code example using Tweepy to pull a list of following users (users that you follow). consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token and access_token_secret are necessary tokens for authenticating into Twitter.
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for friend in tweepy.Cursor(api.friends).items(3):
# Extract friend (following) Twitter screen name and user id
friend_screen_name = friend.screen_name
friend_id = friend.id_str
print("Friend screen name & ID: %s - %s" % (friend_screen_name, friend_id))
Google Easter Egg: Do A Barrel Roll
In computing, an Easter Egg is a hidden trick that an application or web site can do. There are a lot of famous easter eggs buried in various programs, and Google is no exception.
If you have a reasonably modern web browser, search Google for do a barrel roll. The Google screen itself should rotate through 360 degrees in imitation of a barrel roll. Here are some example screenshots of the rotation:
do a barrel roll

If you want to see the barrel roll recorded on video, try this YouTube video: .
The do a barrel roll phrase was popularized by 4chan, but originated from Star Fox 64, where a major character repeats that phrase to encourage dodging from enemy fire. See Know Your Meme for an explanation or this YouTube video for gameplay footage: .