DisallowedHost – Invalid HTTP_HOST Header “example.appspot.com”

When installing a new Django app on App Engine, I forgot to set the hosts header, and found this error:

The problem here is that I didn’t set the allowed hosts header in the settings file. To fix this, go to settings.py file and set ALLOWED_HOSTS to list a wildcard, like so:


You can see this replicated in Google’s own Django example: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples/blob/master/appengine/standard/django/mysite/settings.py#L46 (see screenshot below).

A screenshot of allowed_hosts including a wildcard.

Warning: A wildcard is only acceptable because App Engine’s other security policies are protecting the application. If you move the Django site to another host, make sure you change out the wildcard to the appropriate domain/domains.

Golang Users API Example

Here’s an example of how to use the Users API in Go. This example checks to see if the current user is logged in; if not, the user is given a link to log in. If the user is already logged in, then it creates and prints a link to log out.

//Creates an App Engine Context - required to access App Engine services.
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
//Acquire the current user
user := appengineuser.Current(c)
if user == nil {
    url, _ := appengineuser.LoginURL(c, "/")
    fmt.Fprintf(w, `<a href="%s">Sign in</a>`, url)
} else {
    url, _ := appengineuser.LogoutURL(c, "/")
    fmt.Fprintf(w, `Welcome, %s! (<a href="%s">sign out</a>)`, user, url)

Searching For User Request Logs In App Engine

You can search for specific users by using the filter labels function of App Engine logging. Here’s a short example: the following filter searches for all users matching the substring inny :

The search finds the following request logs, where the user vinnyapp (my Gmail account) has logged in:

Error Parsing YAML File: Mapping Values Are Not Allowed Here

An improperly configured YAML file may show the error Error Parsing YAML File: Mapping Values Are Not Allowed Here . This error is demonstrated below:

Here is an example YAML file that causes this error:

#Error happens at line 7 below, even though the incorrect lines are above.
- url: /example

Even though the YAML parser reports the error at line 7, the actual incorrect lines are above that point: lines 1 – 5 are missing the space character between the colon and the value. If you encounter this error, make sure that the key: value pairs are separated by 1 colon and 1 space character, as shown below:

application: application-id

Mail Service Error: Sender Is Not An Authorized Email Address

While using App Engine’s Mail API, some applications may encounter the following error:

This error means that the application attempted to send email with a non-whitelisted from address.

To send email from App Engine, applications must declare a sending address matching one of the following: a registered administrator of the application, the Google user account of the currently-logged-in user, or an email address of the form:

[any string]@[Application ID].appspotmail.com

For most purposes, using the appspotmail string as a from address is perfectly fine. To generate this sending address, you can use App Engine’s environment variables to collect the application ID. For example, here’s how to do it in Java:

String application_id = SystemProperty.applicationId.get();
String sender = "donotreply@" + application_id + ".appspotmail.com";

For applications that need to send email originating from their custom domain, register a Google Apps account with the address you want to use, then register it as an administrator of the application.

IOException: tmpFile.renameTo Failed

On rare occasions, the Google App Engine dev server displays the following error:

The important part of the error is this text:

java.io.IOException: tmpFile.renameTo(classfile) failed

This exception crops up whenever an app file (in this case a JSP file) is currently being accessed by another program. If you see this exception, double check to ensure that the named file isn’t being accessed by another program.

If this error persists, close down and reopen Eclipse and the development app server – the file may have been left open from a previous run.

Whitelisted PHP Extensions

Google App Engine permits only specific whitelisted extensions to be used within PHP applications. If you use a non-whitelisted extension, you’ll see the below error:

The [php_extension_name] extension is missing. 
Please check your PHP configuration.

If you need a certain extension for your PHP application, ensure that it’s enabled in GAE: check the official list at https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/php/#PHP_Enabled_extensions . If your preferred extension is not listed, you can also try searching for a pure-PHP implementation (Pure PHP extensions can always be uploaded as part of an application; C based extensions must be whitelisted.)

If you need an extension not listed in the above link, you can request it via the App Engine issues tracker. For example, here’s a feature request for the ImageMagick extension: https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=9424

Accessing Google Cloud SQL From App Engine

Accessing Google Cloud SQL from an App Engine application is relatively straightforward. To start, an application must first specify a host name for the Cloud SQL servers.

For example, here’s the host name for PHP applications:


Java accesses Cloud SQL through a special JDBC driver. Here’s the proper host name for it:


Secondly, Cloud SQL must whitelist incoming connections from permitted App Engine applications. To do this, open up the Google Cloud console and select the project you’re using. Then press the Cloud SQL option on the left hand navigation bar:

Click the New Instance button:

On the bottom of the form there’s an option to whitelist named App Engine applications. Type in the application ID of the App Engine application using the database:

Click the Confirm button to finish setting up the database.

App Engine Downtime Notices

App Engine downtime and maintenance notices are posted to the Google Group google-appengine-downtime-notify, located at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/google-appengine-downtime-notify . It’s a good idea to monitor this list for any issues with the App Engine platform.

It’s especially important to subscribe to these notices if your application is still on the M/S datastore. The M/S datastore is occasionally moved into a read-only state for maintenance, and these maintenance periods are announced over the downtime list.

Subscribing to the google-appengine-downtime-notify list is easy: go to the above linked address and click on the button marked Join Group. As you can see from the below pictures, this list is extremely low-traffic (less than 1 email a day).

App Engine System Status

The App Engine system status console is located at https://code.google.com/status/appengine . It’s a good idea to keep this page bookmarked to monitor GAE’s performance.

Here’s how the status page looks like when everything is running well:

Here’s an example of how performance issues are reported: