I was checking my email when…
I was checking my Spam folder when I saw this message. Apparently Gmail thinks that emails from the Google Cloud Platform mailing list are spam.
A Simple Cron Declaration
Cron is a service to schedule tasks at predetermined intervals. For example, you could schedule a certain task to run every 10 minutes, or 10 hours, or every Monday. At every interval, App Engine will send a HTTP request to an URL that you specify.
Here’s an example of a cron file:
- description: Description Of Cron
url: /url
schedule: every 24 hours
timezone: America/Chicago
This tells App Engine to run the script located at /url once every 24 hours. You can name other schedules, such as every 10 minutes, or every Monday 9:00 (run every Monday 9 AM).
Cron files are saved as cron.yaml in the root directory of a Go app, or in the /war/WEB-INF folder of a Java application.
Configuring EdgeCache – A Cache For App Engine
Setting Permissions To Access Cloud Storage From App Engine
Uploading And Serving Files With The Blobstore In Java
An Introduction To The Datastore In Java
Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL
Serving URL For Images Stored In Cloud Storage
Writing Files To Google Cloud Storage
Writing a file to Google Cloud Storage is easy in Java. All you need is the Google Cloud Storage library.
The following code writes a file into GCS. Bucket represents the name of the Cloud Storage bucket, object represents the filename, mime represents the MIME type, and data represents a byte array with the contents of the file you’re writing.
String bucket = "your_bucket_name";
String object = "file_name_here_including_extension";
GcsFilename gcs_filename = new GcsFilename(bucket, object);
//File Options
GcsFileOptions.Builder options_builder = new GcsFileOptions.Builder();
options_builder = options_builder.mimeType(mime);
GcsFileOptions options = options_builder.build();
GcsOutputChannel output = GcsServiceFactory.createGcsService().createOrReplace(gcs_filename, options);
Remember to set bucket permissions in Google Cloud Storage so your app can access the files.