In celebration of closing 2024 and opening up 2025, I wanted to point out some interesting posts on Reddit about Google Ads and SEO.

Admittedly a humorous/incredibly lucky story, but it illustrates that trying new things can occasionally help.

This helps to underline that your customers are not only looking at your website, but they’re also looking up reviews of your products on other venues. Now I don’t agree with this post 100%: there are two things I would add. Number one is to post high quality images and videos of your product – if you’re missing those, of course customers are going to try to find them on other venues.
The second item is that not just Gen Z does this: I’m a millennial and I frequently do the same – look up videos and reviews on YouTube, Facebook, etc.
This post is a great example of why it’s important for you to curate your presence across all social media channels, and even why linking sales to a particular funnel is hard – if a Google ad had brought the customer to this product, would you credit the Google ad, or the TikTok/YouTube/Instagram/Facebook review of it for making the sale?

And here’s your daily reminder that local search gets weird, fast. If I had this client, what I would have suggested is to build a separate site for each dentist, naming each site some version of (dentist/teeth/tooth/some-other-synonym-or-related-word-to-teeth)(city-name) . com. And someone did make a similar comment to that in the comments of that post. Local SEO can be a surprisingly fun place to specialize in because the “normal” SEO tips are often inverted and Google Search seems to take into account more local-specific details rather than focusing on the technical hints that pages offer.