After Google Reader was shut down, I moved to NewsBlur to follow my RSS feeds. The great thing about NewsBlur is that you can add RSS feeds to a folder and Newsblur will merge all the stories under that folder into a single RSS feed.
Under NewsBlur, you’ll want to pull the folder RSS feed from the settings option:

The following Python code can pull the feed and iterate through it to find article information. At the bottom of this code example, each child represents a possible article, and sub_child represents a property on the article: the URL, the title, etc. I use a variant of this code to help identify important news stories.
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import logging
import datetime, pytz
import json
import urllib.parse
#tears through the newsblur folder xml searching for <entry> items
def parse_newsblur_xml():
r = requests.get('NEWSBLUR_FOLDER_RSS')
if r.status_code != 200:
print("ERROR: Unable to retrieve address ")
return "error"
xml = r.text
xml_root = ET.fromstring(xml)
#we search for <entry> tags because each entry tag stores a single article from a RSS feed
for child in xml_root:
if not child.tag.endswith("entry"):
#if we are down here, the tag is an entry tag and we need to parse out info
#Grind through the children of the <entry> tag
for sub_child in child:
if sub_child.tag.endswith("category"): #article categories
#call sub_child.get('term') to get categories of this article
elif sub_child.tag.endswith("title"): #article title
#call sub_child.text to get article title
elif sub_child.tag.endswith("summary"): #article summary
#call sub_child.text to get article summary
elif sub_child.tag.endswith("link"):
#call sub_child.get('href') to get article URL